Rolleilux for the Rolleicord cameras an the Rolleiflex 4x4 post war cameras

Price: € 195,00 each Brand: RolleiRollei

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rolleilux-for-the-rolleicord-cameras-and-the-rolleiflex-4x4-4948b rolleilux-for-the-rolleicord-cameras-and-the-rolleiflex-4x4-4948a rolleilux-for-the-rolleicord-cameras-and-the-rolleiflex-4x4-4948d rolleilux-for-the-rolleicord-cameras-and-the-rolleiflex-4x4-4948c rolleilux-for-the-rolleicord-cameras-and-the-rolleiflex-4x4-4948e rolleilux-for-the-rolleicord-cameras-and-the-rolleiflex-4x4-4948f

This Rolleilux for all post war Rolleicord cameras and the Rolleiflex 4x4 post war cameras is in great shape; only faint traces of use.

This is a combination of exposure meter and hood. It comes with the original leather housing.No mentionable traces of aging. The meter reacts nicely.
Here seen on a Rolleicord VB. The camera is not included.

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