Rolleiflex 4x4 grey boxed with Rolleilux

Price: € 445,00 each Brand: RolleiRollei

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rolleiflex-4x4-grey-boxed-with-rolleilux-6201a rolleiflex-4x4-grey-boxed-with-rolleilux-6201c rolleiflex-4x4-grey-boxed-with-rolleilux-6201b rolleiflex-4x4-grey-boxed-with-rolleilux-6201d rolleiflex-4x4-grey-boxed-with-rolleilux-6201e rolleiflex-4x4-grey-boxed-with-rolleilux-6201f rolleiflex-4x4-grey-boxed-with-rolleilux-6201h rolleiflex-4x4-grey-boxed-with-rolleilux-6201g rolleiflex-4x4-grey-boxed-with-rolleilux-6201i

This Rolleiflex 4x4 with the Xenar 3.5/60mm lens is in great cosmetic condition and has been serviced by the leading Dutch technician. All functions work well with the exeption of the selftimer. The optics are in the best possible condition. This camera is therefore ready for use. The Rolleilux is also in great condition. The exposure meter reacts nicely.